You might find what you're looking for in these frequently asked questions. If not, please feel free to get in touch.

Question: What is the minimum age to attend a course?

Answer: Due to the nature of course content most the courses on offer require a minimum age for attendance of 16 years or older, those under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a paying adult. Family day courses may be advertised on the courses page at certain times of the year with specific content designed to inspire and engage children with nature.

Question: Do I need to bring my own food on one day courses?

Answer: Yes, unless stated otherwise in the course description you will be required to provide your own lunch. However tea and coffee will be provided by the instructor.

Question: What happens in bad weather?

Answer: Come rain or shine courses will proceed as usual so make sure to bring suitable clothing such as gloves, a hat, waterproofs and sturdy footwear. If weather is predicted to be severe and a danger to life prior to a course the participants will be notified and the course rescheduled.

Question: Where are the courses held?

Answer: All courses with the exception of some private bookings will be held in Shining Cliff Woodland near Ambergate, Derbyshire. Please see the venue page for information regarding venue address and other information.

Question: Can I bring my own tools?

Answer: All the required tools for each course will be provided by the instructor. Due to the nature of courses, participants will predominantly be using stone age tools for most tasks. If insistent on bringing your own knife the instructor must inspect that it is suitable, if asked not to use your own knife please respect that decision. Axes and saws are prohibited and must not be bought on a course.